Tenure-track Professorship (W1) “Magnetic Resonance Systems Engineering“
Organizational unit
Division III - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT), KIT Department of Mechanical Engineering
Job description
Applicants should have a recognized track record in at least one of the following areas:
- Hyperpolarization, including its automation and miniaturization as well as the development of new measurement methods.
- Development of innovative excitation and detection methods in nuclear magnetic resonance.
- Design and construction of novel NMR and MRI systems.
Interested researchers with a research focus ranging from fundamental research to technical systems integration are welcome to apply.
International publications, acquisition of third-party funding, and active participation in the work of our academic bodies will be part of your duties.
Moreover, the initiation of collaborative projects with industry and the transfer of research findings to application are desired. We offer a variety of cooperation options at our Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT) and the KIT Department of Mechanical Engineering as well as with other KIT departments. We would like to emphasize the opportunity to participate in the Materials Systems Engineering (MSE) Helmholtz Research Program.
In the area of academic education, you will be involved in existing and newly established German and English degree programs offered by the KIT Departments of Mechanical Engineering and of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. In particular, you will be expected to actively contribute to the medical engineering degree programs. You will execute university tasks with a teaching obligation of six hours per week per semester upon your positive final evaluation. In other cases, your teaching obligation will be four hours per week per semester.
Starting date
zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt / as soon as possible
Personal qualification
We are looking for an early-career researcher, whose work focuses on the technical further development of hyperpolarization in NMR. This also includes the development of new methods to characterize materials, chemical mixtures, and samples of biological origin.
We are looking for a candidate with an internationally recognized scientific qualification and reputation, very good teaching skills, as well as leadership competence.
Applicants should have acquired an externally evaluated junior research group (e.g. ERC Starting Grant, DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group), less than half of the funding period of which has elapsed at the time of publication of the present vacancy notice.
Contract duration
Employment is subject to Art. 14, par. (2) of the KIT Act in conjunction with Art. 51 LHG Baden-Württemberg (Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges) as well as to the Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-track Professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Employment is limited to six years as a civil servant for a fixed term or as a salaried employee. Before the expiry of the third year of work, an interim evaluation will take place. The evaluation procedure and evaluation criteria are outlined in the Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-track Professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Specific interim and final evaluation criteria will include
- independence, originality of research,
- scientific visibility,
- publications in renowned journals,
- acquisition of third-party funding,
- transfer of research findings to application,
- excellent teaching evaluations,
- successful supervision of graduation theses (B.Sc./M.Sc.) and doctoral researchers,
- participation in the work of academic bodies.
In case of a positive final evaluation, you will be offered a full professorship (W3).
Application up to
April 15, 2025
Contact person in line-management
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Heilmaier, phone +49 721 608-46594.
Please mail your application, including
- curriculum vitae,
- list of publications,
- documents reflecting your previous research and teaching activities (e.g. teaching evaluations),
- a research and teaching concept,
- acquired third-party funding, and
- diplomas / certificates,
- statement on scientific honesty
preferably in a single PDF file, to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Division III – Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Division Head Professor h.c. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Knebel, Campus South, Dean’s Office of the KIT Department of Mechanical Engineering, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, email: dekanat@mach.kit.edu.
vacancy number: 1107/2025
KIT wishes to achieve a balanced staff composition (f/m/nb) and therefore strongly encourages female early-stage researchers to apply.
Recognized severely disabled persons having the same qualification will be preferred.
KIT supports a plannable scientific career development. Moreover, as a family-friendly university, KIT offers part-time employment, leaves of absence, a dual career service, and coaching to support the work-life balance.
Your personal data will be processed by KIT in accordance with this privacy policy.