together unique

PhD Position / Research Assistent (f/m/d)
Development and characterization of a reaction device for NMR measurements under harsh process conditions

Organizational unit

Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

Job description

  • Simulation, modelling, design and manufacturing of miniaturized reaction modules (mixers, reactors, heat exchangers). Manufacturing technique is 3D ceramic printing, preferably.
  • Test and characterization of the modules with regard to target temperature and pressure, mixing quality, reaction performance as well as application in standardized high-field NMR systems. Transfer to benchtop NMR system could be a next step.
  • Miniaturization of the already developed devices, application with new and advanced mini- / micro NMR systems, combination with other systems within the CRC program.
  • Supervision of bachelor / master students. Support in teaching for several lectures for microscale process engineering.
  • Publication of research results in peer-reviewed journals, conferences and workshops.

Starting date

baldmöglichst / as soon as possible

Personal qualification

  • MSc in Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, Process Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, or Physics
  • Fundamental knowledge in NMR and NMR measurements
  • Fundamental knowledge in device design and materials research
  • English fluently
  • Working in a team, self-motivated, keen to learn


Salary category 13, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.

This is what we offer

Become a member of staff of the only German University of Excellence that conducts large-scale research on the national level. Work under excellent working conditions in an interna-tional environment and be active in research and academic education for our future. Benefit from specific training when starting your job and from a wide range of further qualification offers. Use our flexible working time models (flexitime, work from home), our sports and leisure offers, as well as our child and holiday care services. We also pay a share of EUR 25/month in the Job Ticket Baden-Württemberg. Enjoy a large variety of dishes, snacks, and beverages at our canteens.

Contract duration


Application up to


Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Prof. Brandner, phone +49 721 608-23963, email:

Please apply online using the button below for this vacancy number 291/2024.

Vacancy number: 291/2024

We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore we kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job. Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.


Personnel Support is provided by:
Personalservice (PSE) - Human Resources
Ms Gätcke
Phone: +49 721 608-25010,

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany